How Green Tea Improves Our Immune System?

While green tea has become popular in recent years in western countries, Asian countries like Japan, Korea, India have been using green tea for ages. In India, green tea is used for its proven health-beneficial properties. Aside from that, green tea is also advantageous for hair and skin health.

Let’s look into some of the beneficial properties of green tea that help to improve our immune system.

  • Rich in Antioxidants

The compound of green tea that helps to ward off disease is antioxidants. Yes, our body can produce its antioxidants, but with age, the process becomes slower. So when it comes to controlling radical damages, it is best to intake antioxidants externally. Also, antioxidants have anti-inflammatory properties that help to relax the nerves. 

In comparison to other resources of antioxidants, green tea has the highest concentration of polyphenols or antioxidants. In addition, as green tea is one of the least processed teas, it contains flavonoids like EGCG.

  • Prevents Heart Diseases

The actual causes of heart diseases are lack of physical activities and consuming foods containing high saturated fat. These eventually cause clogging of arteries and decrease blood circulation.

Green tea helps prevent these harmful effects in two ways. Firstly, it stimulates fat oxidation levels, which eventually reduces the risk factors of obesity. Secondly, promotes the proper function of endothelial cells, which prevents blockages.

  • Reduces Cholesterol and High Blood Pressure

Green tea is loaded with antioxidants that can help in maintaining a balance between good and bad cholesterol.

Also, regular consumption of green reduces the risk of high blood pressure. Thus it promotes better cardiac health.

Some studies also say that regularly drinking green tea can boost the overall fitness process.

  • Lowers the Risk of Cancer

Studies show that heavy oxidative stress or immense inflammation can turn normal cells into inflammatory tumor cells. Uncontrollable growth of these tumor cells may eventually become the root cause of cancer.

Polyphenols in green tea can slow down the process of oxidation and reduce its damage. Even some research shows that EGCG can stop cancer cells from growing. However, there is not enough proven evidence of it.

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